Thanks to Our Primary Sponsor
Thanks to Our Primary Sponsor
Thanks to Our Primary Sponsor
Thanks to Our Primary Sponsor
Thanks to Our Primary Sponsor
Thanks to Our Primary Sponsor
Thanks to Our Primary Sponsor
Thanks to Our Primary Sponsor
Thanks to Our Primary Sponsor
Thanks to Our Primary Sponsor
Thanks to Our Primary Sponsor
Thanks to Our Primary Sponsor
Thanks to Our Primary Sponsor
Thanks to Our Primary Sponsor
1170 East Broad St
Elyria, OH 44035
Due to the unforeseen circumstances that have taken place, the No-Nonsense Seminar that was to be held on March 13, 14, 15, 2020 has been postponed.
We had been preparing for this event for a long time and so it saddens us to a great extent to cancel it at this time. The reasons as everyone is aware, the Coronavirus (covid19) is now a pandemic according to WHO, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has posted an announcement that all events with over 250 people together be cancelled. However, we shall be organizing this event in the near future.
North Central Academy understands the time everyone put aside to attend this meeting, and understands the hard work our staff did to make it come together. This was a costly decision for the NCA as well, and also a responsible and appropriate decision made for the well-being of our attendees.
We still have many costs to pay (hotel, food, staff, mailings etc) which puts our academy at a huge loss, please be patient with us.
Please understand we are working to reschedule the seminar this year for everyone to get their hours for licensing. Refer to our website for further details:
David J. Hintz, DPM, MPH, CPH
Program Chairman